Official web site of the workshop:

Local organizer: Roberta Partisani,   – phone: +39 0543 446500/556

Registration fee:

The workshop is restricted to invited people.

The total cost for each participant is Euro 680,00 in single room and Euro 605,00 in double room. The fees include accommodation in single or double room* (5 nights), breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the days 14– 19 August. On August 14th the fee includes accommodation and a buffet dinner, while on August 19th only breakfast and lunch are included.

*if you want to share a double room, please specify in the field note of your booking, the name of your roommate.

When you register, please check the box “Extra” if you wish to attend the social trip and dinner planned for Wednesday, August 17th . The cost is included in the registration fee.

Participants that plan to arrive before/after August 14 and/or to leave after August 19 should contact the local organizer:

 Please, proceed with your registration, by clicking the bottom “BOOK ONLINE”, located below.